Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mothers' Day, even if you aren't one. Let's just celebrate the system. Hormones flow through woman's blood as she gives birth to her child. Each part of the biological act of becoming a mother sets up the relationship. Mom is going to love that baby for the rest of its--and her--life.
Since I sincerely believe that love makes the world go 'round, and that the unfound force in the universe that makes it all work in quantum physics is also love, I think we have a lot to celebrate on Mothers' Day.
Mother love differs from romantic love, friendship or altruism. Although it is a biological force of nature, mother love has trancendent aspects that give it great dignity.
Mothers will do anything to protect their children. Mothers believe in their children and hope for their future. Mothers would rather gain happiness by way of bringing it to their children, than to chase after it directly.
Mothers love unselfishly. One important example is this is the mother who gives her child up for adoption. The same hormones coursing through other mothers' bodies flow through hers, yet this mother has the courage to have a child she cannot raise, conceived in questionable circumstances, and fight her natural impulse to grasp it to her breast to give the baby a stable, loving home. That reminds me: Mother love is often courageous.
Mothers use every bit of the intelligence, cunning, insight, strength and talent they possess to successfuly launch their children.
Mothers never give up and mothers never quit loving their children.
It may be complicated. Families never seem to understand one another, even though they share history, genes and culture, but mother love is one of the simplest, purest form of love that exists. Everyone is different, and so the basic, true, biological link between mother and child is different in every family. No two loves are alike. Each love is a beautiful entity itself, even if a woman has many different children.
Mother-child love is a wonderful idea. I wonder who thought of it? Well, then, praise Him!

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